I have been involved with RGCC through my doctor for the last four years, due to early-stage breast cancer. Once a year I have done the Onconomics Plus, the Oncotrace blood/lab work. I have faithfully used the Onconomics Plus recommended supplements over the last four years. I can report that these modalities, together with lifestyle changes, have had a marked diminishing effect on my Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC), and keep them in a “low range”. Additionally, follow-up mammograms and ultrasounds show the small areas of concern in my breast have not increased in size! I also had a small vaginal “cyst” that completely disappeared. I sincerely believe that all of my RGCC-recommended treatments have been beneficial and have had a very healing and positive impact on my health over the last four years. I feel certain that through this early intervention, I have avoided much more serious breast cancer concerns in the future. I also feel it’s very important to treat other viruses or ailments, as they wear the immune system down, impacting our body’s ability to function optimally & self-correct other potentially larger problems that may be brewing under the surface. I truly feel that due to the insight of my doctor, who ordered the first RGCC lab work, I have been able to address the early-stage breast cancer concerns well in advance of the traditional medical community’s ability to detect any areas of concern. Note: None of my previous annual mammograms revealed any areas of concern. On a gut feeling, I self-paid for a “Her Scan” ultrasound, which discovered the two small areas of concern in my right breast. After sharing this information with my doctor, he encouraged me to do the RGCC labs, revealing the Circulating Tumor Cells and gene mutations. I feel that without RGCC’s early diagnosis and intervention, I was headed toward serious health challenges, potentially resulting in a full-blown breast cancer diagnosis in my future. I strongly encourage people to become involved with RGCC’s cutting-edge medical technologies and treatments. It helped me!