RGCC holds its biggest ever gathering in Switzerland.
The beautiful lakeside setting of Unterageri, near Zug, Switzerland, played host this weekend to the biannual gathering of RGCC staff, collaborators and branch officers from around the world. More than 140 delegates had the opportunity to network and discuss new treatment protocols as well as hear presentations on the groundbreaking work that RGCC is doing in the fields of immunochemistry, dendritic cell therapy and new genomic services.
Presentations from RGCC laboratory staff included many new treatment strategies and there were presentations from guest speakers and world leaders in their fields, including Prof Joachim Drevs, Dr Palanki Satya Dattatreya and Dr Huseyin Sahinbas.
Dr Ioannis Papasotiriou’s presentations focused on how RGCC tests are helpful in the initial stages of the disease or as early diagnostic tools, and he went onto explain how the company is developing its own range of dietary supplements and natural products.
Individual delegates were also able to see a virtual tour of the laboratory facilities using state-of-the-art VR headsets.
Dr Papasotiriou said: “Our network has grown enormously and the gathering is an important time for us to all meet up and share our collective knowledge and to discuss our individual experiences and success stories.”
The full programme was recorded and individual presentations, slides and notes will be uploaded to this site soon.